The sections below contain step-by-step directions for the most common actions on our website (which is actually a full-function Learning Management System).
Creating Your Account
- When you register for your first course, click “Proceed to checkout”.
- On the left side, enter your billing & shipping information.
- Be sure to list “Other Participants” if you are registering someone else.
- Select your personal Account Username & Account Password.
- Be sure to enter your License Type & Number (“N” if not licensed).
- This will create your account along with your first order.
Ordering Your Course
- Find your course via the “Courses” menu at the top or scroll down to the list of courses on the home page.
- Click on the exact course you desire (date/location) to read the details, then click the “Register” button.
- If you look for another course, you may return to the cart via the small cart logo at the extreme upper right.
- Once you have added all courses needed, click “Proceed to Checkout” near the bottom right of the cart page.
- If you already have an account but haven’t logged in, select the link to Login as a returning customer.
- If you do not have an account, enter your desired account information on the left side of the page.
- Chose your payment method on the right (credit/debit card, PayPal account, etc.).
- Click the “Place Order” bottom near the lower right (prepayment is required for most courses).
- You will receive an email confirming the order & one confirming the course registration.
- If your course has an online component, see the “Accessing Your Course” help topic.
Accessing Your Course
Your online course should be accessed via a computer, laptop or tablet (phones are not dependable for this environment).
- Be sure you access your online course at least one day before it begins (to test & download materials).
- If you are not logged in, click the “LOGIN” button near the upper right of the screen.
- Once logged in, hover your mouse over “MY ACCOUNT” where the “LOGIN” button was previously.
- Select “My Courses” from the dropdown menu & click the “Launch Course” link beside the appropriate one.
- Follow the instructions on each page of the course to progress.
- Pay Attention to the instructions to “Mark As Complete” at the bottom of each page.
- You may leave the course at any time by clicking the small home/house icon at the upper right.
- As the final step, you must click “Submit Course” for us to be aware of your completion.
- Please complete the brief survey that will follow your course submission.
- If your course requires reporting to a licensing agency, we will do so within two working days.
Using "Zoom" For Live Courses
Your online course should be accessed via a computer, laptop or tablet (phones are not dependable for this environment).
- Most of our Online Live Webinars utilize Zoom technology.
- You may download and test Zoom using this link:
- You access Zoom from within your registered course (rather than a Zoom meeting ID).
- This ensures security since each link is unique to the course & has a built-in password.
- Simply access your course (see those instructions above).
- Progress to the step labeled “Participate” in your live course.
- Click the link in that step, which will have the time & date in the title.
- If you haven’t installed Zoom previously, you will be asked to download and install it now.
- When asked, select that you want to download/install, as well as connect with video and audio.
- Once connected, make sure you are unmuted (microphone icon) and announce yourself.
Accessing & Printing Your Certificates
- If you are not logged in, click the “LOGIN” button near the upper right of the screen.
- Once logged in, hover your mouse over “MY ACCOUNT” where the “LOGIN” button was previously.
- Select “Achievements” from the dropdown menu.
- Click the “Download” link for the certificate(s) you have earned.
- This will save a .pdf (Abode) file you may open and print.
- Remember that many of our courses are reported to the licensing agency electronically.
- In those cases, the certificate is simply for your records.
- While each course disappears from your account after completion, the certificates remain.