US Department of Labor Registered Apprenticeship
Winn’s CE is in the process of adding all of the core construction trades to our original plumbing apprenticeship program, after which we will pursue national status for our program, which is anticipated during the first quarter of 2020. Once final approval is obtained our national registered apprenticeship program will include the following trades:
- Plumbing
- Sheet Metal
- Electrical
- Carpentry
- Brick Masonry
- Welding
Our program will utilize a unique hybrid model that includes self-study reading, online videos, hands on practice, and supervised experience to engage every possible learning style while incorporate flexibility and pursuing the end goal of competency in every topic. The program components include:
- Reading each module at your pace, on your schedule, wherever you are using the NCCER national curriculum for each craft
- Online video instruction to emphasize key concepts, answer questions, and apply the material to everyday practice (phased in over time featuring subject matter experts from each craft)
- Brief online quizzes covering the material of each module (retaken if necessary to ensure understanding)
- Hands-on tasks related to each module signed off by a licensed/experienced trade professional, demonstrating competency that can be applied in the field
- Employer supervised experience throughout the program, documented quarterly
- Access to WCE subject matter experts if you experience any challenges with a topic (via email, calls, or live if necessary)
If you are interested in one of these programs, please contact us for more information and to receive updates as we move toward our national launch.
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