Medical Gas (ASSE)
Our courses provide the required training for anyone pursuing the various Medical Gas (ASSE) certifications required by NFPA 99. This includes all the ASSE 6000 Series categories listed below as well as ASSE Renewals/Recertification and Facility Specific Maintenance Personnel training.
Our Instructors are certified to ASSE 6050, nationally accredited to lead each of the courses listed below. Currently scheduled courses are listed at the bottom of the page after a detailed description of each unique accreditation (click to expand each one).
Please contact us if you have more specific needs.
ASSE 6000 Renewals
Winn’s CE offers the 4 hr refresher course required before renewing an ASSE 6005, 6010, 6020, 6030, 6040, or 6050 certification. After completion of this course, a certificate will be issued allowing you to apply for the renewal exam thru NITC (National Inspection, Testing, and Certification) at an additional expense. This course can be completed two ways:
- Online with our new self-paced program
- Live, face-to-face course at your facility (Contact us for more info)
ASSE 6005 Medical Gas Basics (Generalist/Specialist)
This class is conducted by an ASSE 6050 Medical Gas Instructor, intended for any person with an interest in medical gas and vacuum systems and equipment, and meets the requirements of completing twenty-four (24) hours of training covering basic facets of piped medical gas and medical-surgical vacuum systems. NFPA 99 and ASSE 6005 documents are provided and used in this course to provide general knowledge of medical gas and vacuum systems.
For National Accreditation: After completion of this course, a separate exam must be scheduled (at an additional cost) at a testing location near you, or conducted by a National Inspection, Testing, and Certification Corporation (NITC) Proctor at your location, then graded by NITC. Upon a passing grade, the student would receive a National ASSE 6005 Medical Gas Generalist accreditation.
Refer to this Candidate Bulletin for ADDITIONAL EXAM PRICING and student qualification requirements, and to this Medical Gas Generalist exam application.
If a National accreditation is not needed, the NITC exam (and associated additional costs) would not be required. A Winn’s CE Medical Gas Generalist certificate would be issued instead, at no additional cost.
Note: This certification does not qualify a person to install, maintain, repair, verify, inspect, or replace Med Gas systems. Additional certifications/licenses are required for those activities.
ASSE 6010 Medical Gas Installer
This course is conducted by an ASSE 6050 accredited Medical Gas Instructor, and designed to meet the requirements of NFPA 99 for anyone installing Medical Gas Systems nationwide, by providing thirty two (32) hours of training in the installation of Medical Gas and Vacuum systems. NFPA 99 and ASSE 6010 documents are provided and used in this course.
This certification is good in any US state recognizing ASSE 6010.
NOTE: Installation DOES NOT include Med Gas Maintenance, Inspection, or Verification. Those activities require separate licensing per National, State, and/or Local Authority.
After completion of this course, the student may either: (a) schedule a written test through National Inspection, Testing, and Certification (NITC) at a testing location of their choice (at an additional cost), then perform a separate practical brazing test at their company site (and send test coupon to NITC), or (b) schedule a separate written exam conducted by an NITC Proctor at your location, then send in a braze test coupon, then both are graded by NITC (at an additional cost). Upon passing grades, the student would receive a National ASSE 6010 Medical Gas Installer and ASME IX Brazer accreditation.
Refer to this Candidate Bulletin for ADDITIONAL EXAM PRICING and student qualifications, and to this Medical Gas Installer exam application.
ASSE 6020 Medical Gas Inspector
This course is conducted by an ASSE 6050 Medical Gas Instructor, and designed to meet the requirements of NFPA 99 for anyone performing Inspections on Medical Gas Systems nationwide, by providing twenty four (24) hours of training covering all facets of piped medical gas and medical-surgical vacuum systems. NFPA 99 and ASSE 6020 documents are provided and used in this course to review knowledge needed for the proper Inspection of medical gas and vacuum systems.
Note: Inspection DOES NOT include- installing, cutting into, repairing, replacing, Verifying, and/or brazing Med Gas piping. Those activities require specific licensing per your individual State and/or Local Authority. Your local Authorities may also have separate requirements for Inspecting medical gas systems. Check with your Authorities.
To complete this National accreditation, this course would be followed by scheduling a separate exam (at an additional cost), at a testing location near you, or conducted by a National Inspection, Testing, and Certification Corporation (NITC) Proctor (at an additional cost) at your location, then graded by NITC. Upon a passing grade, the student would receive a National ASSE 6020 Medical Gas Inspector accreditation.
A person must have adequate training in the Medical Gas Inspection business before applying for this exam. Refer to this Candidate Bulletin for ADDITIONAL EXAM PRICING and student qualification requirements, and to this Medical Gas Inspector exam application.
ASSE 6030 Medical Gas Verifier
This course is conducted by an ASSE 6050 accredited Medical Gas Instructor, and designed to meet the requirements of NFPA 99 for anyone performing Verifications on Medical Gas Systems nationwide, by providing at least thirty two (32) hours of training covering all facets of piped medical gas and medical-surgical vacuum systems. NFPA 99 and ASSE 6030 documents are provided and used in this course to REVIEW knowledge needed for the proper Verification of medical gas and vacuum systems.
Note: Verification DOES NOT include- installing, cutting into, repairing, replacing, and/or brazing Med Gas piping. Those activities require INSTALLER licensing per your individual State and/or Local Authority.
To complete this National accreditation, this course would be followed by scheduling a separate exam (at an additional cost) conducted by a National Inspection, Testing, and Certification Corporation (NITC) Proctor, then graded by NITC. Upon a passing grade, the student would receive a National ASSE 6030 Medical Gas Verifier accreditation.
A person must have adequate training in the Medical Gas Verification business before applying for this course and exam. Refer to this Candidate Bulletin for ADDITIONAL EXAM PRICING and student qualification requirements, and this Medical Gas Verifier exam application.
Please note: Verification of medical gas and vacuum pipeline systems is literally a matter of life and death! Do not apply for this certification unless you possess the necessary SKILLS, EXPERIENCE, and INSURANCE that will allow you to verify medical gas/medical surgical vacuum systems to the highest level.
ASSE 6040 Medical Gas Maintenance
This course is conducted by an ASSE 6050 accredited Medical Gas Instructor, and designed to meet the requirements of NFPA 99 for anyone performing maintenance on Medical Gas Systems nationwide. NFPA 99 and ASSE 6040 documents are provided and used during this course. “Maintenance” would include: repairing leaking Med Gas outlets/inlets, repairing Med Gas alarm panels, repairing Med Gas valves, performing maintenance on Med Gas manifolds, performing maintenance on Medical Vacuum pumps (oil changes, etc), performing maintenance on Medical Air compressors, etc., as well as conducting periodic tests and inspections of all the above.
NOTE: Maintenance DOES NOT include: installing, cutting into, repairing, replacing, and/or brazing Med Gas piping. Those activities require specific licensing per your individual State and/or Local Authorities.
After completion of this 24 hour course the student would need to schedule a separate exam (at an additional cost) at a testing location near you, or conducted by a National Inspection, Testing, and Certification Corporation (NITC) Proctor at your location (at an additional cost), then graded by NITC. Upon a passing grade, the student would receive a National ASSE 6040 Medical Gas Maintenance Personnel accreditation.
Refer to this Candidate Bulletin for ADDITIONAL EXAM PRICING, and student qualification requirements and this Medical Gas Maintenance exam application.
Facility Specific Maintenance Personnel Course
This course provides a “Documented Training Program acceptable to the health care facility by which such [maintenance] persons are employed to work with specific equipment as installed in that facility”, per NFPA 99 (section 5.1.14). You provide a list of equipment at your facility, we will custom build a course based on that equipment, then hold a class at your facility. We offer this course in 3 and 4 day versions. Contact us for more info.
Currently Scheduled Courses
- Medical Gas Renewal (2018), Self-Paced Online (Unlimited)
- Medical Gas Renewal (2021), Self-Paced Online (Unlimited)
- Medical Gas Renewal (2024), Self-Paced Online (Unlimited)
- Medical Gas Verifier [ASSE 6030], Online (Live Webinar), April 21-25 (4 seats left)
- Medical Gas Installer [ASSE 6010], Online (Live Webinar), April 21-24 (5 seats left)
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